1st April 2021
A talk by Duncan Greig
“A trip across the pond”
Duncan Greig recounts a trip to America to set up Mr Coldwell’s masterpiece at the residence of Mr Donald Saff, Maryland, in 1996.
“During lockdown tidying things up as we all have been doing, ! came across an old photograph album. This reminded me of how good Horology has been, not only meeting likeminded and interesting people but taking me to America on more than one occasion. I have contacted Donald Saff, current owner of Clock B, asking for permission to share with you photographs of the trip made to install Mr Caldwell’s Masterpiece.
This enormous clock I first came across reading Royer Collard’s book on Skeleton Clocks. The clock being built 1926 was the work of Mr George Caldwell of Holmfirth. My host was extremely kind, and we visited the home and workshops of Durward Center, Baltimore, where my horological appetite was fed some more. I hope to show you some unusual pieces of horology that many of us in the UK have not experienced.”
Meeting held on line via Zoom.