2nd January 2020
A Comparison of Early Tompions.
Duncan Greig
Our first speaker this 2020 is Duncan Greig who regularly visits Lyme Park and other impressive collections working on site.

The focus of his talk will be the new marquetry longcase clock by Thomas Tompion which has recently found a home at Lyme. A bequest from a Norfolk collector, it now stands in the former State Dressing Room at Lyme, which houses forty-nine horological items. The month duration clock is unnumbered, therefore thought to predate 1682. The magnificent marquetry case, in all probability the work of Jasper Bream, with rising hood has retained much of its colour and cresting. Duncan will briefly describe other clocks at Lyme by the same maker. He wants to draw our attention to comparisons of the ‘new’ clock with one of similar appearance at Powys Castle, pointing out differences on the execution of work to the Barrels, Motion work, Pallets and maintaining power.

With further interesting illustrations of the work by this maker Duncan hopes to draw to our attention to the fact that we all make mistakes…….