Matthew Read MA ACR
For our May meeting we welcome Matthew Read and his students from West Dean College. This annual event gives the students a chance to try their hand at public speaking and us the opportunity to hear what is going on in horological education. Students will present on a project that makes up a major part of their coursework for qualification in restoration and conservation of antique clocks. The evening promises good variety and an opportunity for lively discussion.
Stephen “Why make tools on an FDA Clock making course?”
Eliott Pierre Leroy’s principles on accurate timekeeping following a description of “la Montre A”
Fjodor TBA
Jonathan TBA
Daniela Trialling microcontroller technology in dynamic heritage objects
Greg Swaged pivot holes in 18th century brass clock plates
Dale The role of culture on the development of clockmaking in Edo period Japan (1603 – 1867)
Matthew Packing for transportation – conservation materials and techniques
Please note the meeting is not at our normal venue but at
The Endeavour Scouting Hall across the road